New Years Drinks

Article 19

Monks and Hermits make wonderful liqueurs

By Russ Cobbe

For some reason a large number of unique liqueurs were originally created by hermits or monks and some are still produced by them. Maybe it comes from immense patience and endless experimenting while being isolated but whatever it is, they did a fine job.

Frangelico is a hazelnut-flavored liqueur sold in a monk shaped brown bottle. Its name is based on a hermit who created a number of unique recipes for liqueurs. It is currently produced in Italy.

Chartreuse is of French origin and made from distilled wine and flavored with 130 different herbs. It is named after the monastery where it is produced. There is a green and yellow version that have different flavors and alcohol content.

Jagermeister is a German liqueur flavored with 56 herbs whose exact make up is kept secret. It was originally produced in 1935 and sold for medicinal purposes. Despite urban legends, it does not contain deer blood nor opium.

Pernod is also known as Pastis, is an anise flavored liqueur. It was created in its present form when wormwood was banned which had been a major component of the original liqueur.

Here are a couple of drinks based on herbal liquors to try out

Liquid Cocaine Recipe

0.5 oz. Bacardi 151 Rum
0.5 oz. Jagermeister
0.5 oz. Rumplemintz

In a shot glass add equal parts Bacardi 151 Rum, Jagermeister, and Rumplemintz

Nuts and Berries Recipe

1.0 oz Light Cream
1.0 oz Frangelico
1.0 oz Chambord

Fill a shaker half full with ice cubes. Pour all ingredients into shaker and shake well. Strain drink into a Cocktail glass and serve.
Green Lizard Recipe
1.0 oz. Green Chartreuse
0.5 oz. 151 Proof Rum

Combine the two ingredients in a mixing glass filled with ice. Strain into a glass

Always remember to drink responsibly including not drinking and driving. For more cocktail information you can visit

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