3rd and 9
idea: while watching a football game, anytime
your favorite team has a 3rd down and 9 yards to
go situation, you do a shot. remember, you should
be drinking beer continuously while watching football.
Only 3rd down and 9 counts. No 3rd and 8, no 3rd
and 10.
recommended variation: If team encounters a 3rd and 19,
do a double shot. If team encounters a 3rd and 29,
tilt bottle and drink for 3 seconds. If team encounters
3rd and 39 - pray.
Alternate variation: Any team encounters a 3rd and 9 do
a shot. Very dangerous if you have NFL Sunday Ticket
and you are a channel surfer.
Works well for college games since they are played on
Saturday and you have Sunday to recover.
Submitted by Phill R.