New Years Drinks

Flong Drinking Games

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Flong is Beer Pong and Flippy Cup combined. You have the same set up as 
you would in Beer Pong. The cups are in a triangle on each side of the 
table. Then you line people up on the sides of the table. The people 
that are on the sides of the table are assigned to a Beer Pong team. 
When someone throws the ping pong ball into a cup of the opposing team, 
the two people in the middle of the table cheers and start Flippy Cup.
Who ever wins Flippy Cup gets to take off a cup of the losing team. If 
the team that made the Ping Pong loses the Flippy Cup then each team 
loses a cup. If the team that made the Pong in the cup wins Flippy cup 
then they get to remove two cups from the opposing team. The Beer Pong 
players are the end of the Flippy cup.  Beer Pong rules still apply.

Submitted By: Michael Harris

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