Kings #2
full deck of cards shuffled and spread out around a cup face
down. Go in circle and pick up cards one by one. Each card
equals a factor..
A = you can make a rule (i.e. every time you cuss you have to drink)
2 - 4 = give out that many drinks
5 = last person to put hand in air like a high five has to drink
6 - 7 = 7 ahead and 6 behind ( the person either before you or after you has to drink)
8 = beerfall or social
9 = bust a rhyme... the person who picked card starts with a word and it goes around
and you have to rhyme words or you drink
10 = last person to put thumb on table (you can substitute anything here)
j = category.. same concept as rhyme but you make category (i.e. condoms... Trojan, lifestyles, etc)
q = question bitch... he who answers the question bitches questions has to drink....
you lose your question bitch status when another queen is pulled
k = pour a little of your drink into center cup... when 4th king is drawn you have to drink
center cup and game is over