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Hell's Fire drink recipe

Hell's Fire drink recipe made with Bourbon,Bourbon,Bourbon,Jack Daniels,Tequila, . How to make a Hell's Fire with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 0 stars based on 9 votes
Ingredients to use:
0.5 Bourbon Bourbon
0.5 Bourbon Bourbon
0.5 Bourbon Bourbon
0.5 Jack Daniels Jack Daniels
0.5 Tequila Tequila
Ok the real liq's are Jack, Hornitos, Maker's Mark, Chivas, and Weller's... The kicker is all that is sitting on top of an ounce of tabasco... hense the name hell's fire... this is a shot... serve in a normal rocks glass... and kick back and watch them gag... I made this up to give to those bad tippers... so for all you bartenders ENJOY!
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