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Icy Nipple drink recipe

Icy Nipple drink recipe made with Gelatin,Ice,Irish Cream,Mint,Vodka, . How to make a Icy Nipple with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
2 Gelatin Gelatin
1 Ice Ice
1.5 Irish Cream Irish Cream
3 Mint Mint
0.5 Vodka Vodka
Start preparing this recipe at least 4 hours before serving (time for jell-o to solidify) 1.make Mango-flavored jell-o. Pour the liquid into high glasses, leaving about an inch at the top, and chill. 2.shake Irish Cream and Vodka. Scoop a bit of the jell-o out of the glass and pour vodka/irish cream mix into the hole. 3. sprinkle with crushed ice. Serve with a straw and mint leaves as garnish
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