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JimPop's Margarita  Recipe

You've selected the following recipe:

JimPop's Margarita Recipe

Rating: No Votes yet.
Ingredients: 0.75 oz Grand Marnier
1.0 oz Lime juice
1.0 Salt
2.0 oz Tequila
Directions: Mix together with crushed ice in a glass and garnish with mint leaves Click to Absinthe Site
We hope you found the above information on how to make a JimPop's Margarita helpful.
How to Avoid a DUI
Only $22.95
Now casual drinkers can be armed with the knowledge to effectively increase their chances of "avoiding aDUI", by learning what law enforcement is trained to look for in DUI suspects. This 50 minute programwas designed and presented by an actual police officer, who helps the viewer understand the methods used by lawenforcement to identify, test, and convict dui offenders. Now more than ever, casual drinkers are at risk,as dui laws become more strict and enforceable. If you are a casual drinker, don't put yourself at risk bythinking you are immune to the possibility of a DUI charge. Be prepared, make better informed decisions, andknow your rights. This effective program is presented in a simple and common sense manner to help the casualdrinker better assess themselves, and simply "Drink Smarter, Not Harder".
Click for More information
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