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Long Island Iced Tea Ala Cph Cocktail Style drink recipe

Long Island Iced Tea Ala Cph Cocktail Style drink recipe made with Bourbon,Ginger Ale,Ginger beer, . How to make a Long Island Iced Tea Ala Cph Cocktail Style with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Bourbon Bourbon
1 Ginger Ale Ginger Ale
1 Ginger beer Ginger beer
Some will say that this isn't the original way that a Long Island Iced Tea should be made and that's true but it's just a different approach to this famous long drink. Instead of shaking it, we are going to build it instead. First take a highball glass and fill it up with ice. Then take the the vodka, gin, triple sec, white rum and our sour mix and pour it into the glass. If u don't know how to measure it using a bottle with a bottle pourer then use a single shot measure. Then fill the glass up with cola and as garnishment add a slice of lemon and lime together.
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