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Mcvodka drink recipe

Mcvodka drink recipe made with Cola,Ice,Lime juice,Vodka,Water, . How to make a Mcvodka with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
350 Cola Cola
10 Ice Ice
15 Lime juice Lime juice
150 Vodka Vodka
50 Water Water
A simple, yet effective drink, composed of simple ingredients available easily. The key element to making this drink is what it's served from. Acquire a large cup from McDonald's. The cola, to make it perfect, should be from McDonald's as well. IF not, add your own. Add vodka enough for your tastes, and then add some more vodka. For an extra spice-up, add some lime juice or squeezed lime. Finally add ice to keep your drink cool. If too strong, add more coke, or water. Enjoy!
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