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Peskiy drink recipe

Peskiy drink recipe made with Apple Juice,Pineapple Juice,Rye/Whiskey,Water,Iced tea, . How to make a Peskiy with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
2 Apple Juice Apple Juice
2 Pineapple Juice Pineapple Juice
8 Rye/Whiskey Rye/Whiskey
4 Water Water
2 Iced tea Iced tea
(looks very realistic in a plastic pepsi bottle) mix all liquid ingredients untill well blended, then add the powdered rasberry iced tea (I recomend 2 serving scoops full, but base it on prefeance) The final product should resemble pepsi, it will have a very unoticable edge to it and it has an after taste that leave you wanting to come back for more, perfect for any occasion where your looking for a delicous, easily conselable, drink mix enjoy and drink responsible!
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