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Real Trashcan Punch drink recipe

Real Trashcan Punch drink recipe made with Orange juice,Pineapple Juice,Grape Juice,Fruit punch,Hawaiian Punch, . How to make a Real Trashcan Punch with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
1 Orange juice Orange juice
1 Pineapple Juice Pineapple Juice
1 Grape Juice Grape Juice
1 Fruit punch Fruit punch
1 Hawaiian Punch Hawaiian Punch
mix all together in a five gallon dispensing cooler, or any other type of container. mix 2 gallon bottle of hawaiian punch with one gallon orange juice and one handle of vodka. yu cannot taste the vodka so be careful how much you drink. also you can add fruit in the container and eat it later for an alcoholic treat.
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