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Shakey Juice drink recipe

Shakey Juice drink recipe made with Ice,Lemon,Sugar,Vodka, . How to make a Shakey Juice with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 5 votes
Ingredients to use:
0.5 Ice Ice
10 Lemon Lemon
0.5 Sugar Sugar
1.5 Vodka Vodka
wrap the tightly sealed jug in a towel, folded over several times. Shake jug back and forth for 15 minutes, side to side and up and down - shake very hard with a group of people, only the shakers get to drink. After 15 minutes (don't cheat) the towel will be stuck to the jug, pour out about 1/3 cup per person and enjoy. Will get everyone shitfaced and can turn really cheap vodka into really good vodka. (eat the lemons when the shaky juice is gone)
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