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Slerpey drink recipe

Slerpey drink recipe made with Banana Liqueur,Grenadine,Peach Schnapps,Triple Sec, . How to make a Slerpey with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 3 votes
Ingredients to use:
5 Banana Liqueur Banana Liqueur
2 Grenadine Grenadine
2 Peach Schnapps Peach Schnapps
2 Triple Sec Triple Sec
Start by putting ice in a blender about 1/4 to the top**then add bout 1 cup of water...blend a little bit...then add the 1/2 can of a red fruit juice...blend some more....then add the 99 Bananas..peach schnapps...triple sec...and blend...then at the end add grenadine to taste...****It should fill the blender to top..and should be the consistency of a 7-11 slurpee, and you shouldn't be able to taste any alcohol at David Franzen...3/23/00
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