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Torture drink recipe

Torture drink recipe made with Club Soda,Grain Alcohol,Ice,Grape Juice, . How to make a Torture with all the instructions and ingredients.
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Ingredients to use:
0.375 Club Soda Club Soda
6 Grain Alcohol Grain Alcohol
2 Ice Ice
0.625 Grape Juice Grape Juice
1.Mix the juice and club soda in a "Big Slam" bottle until full(or just buy a litre of grape soda-much easier) 2.pour out as much as you think necessary-but remember that grain shit can kill you! 3.Pour in the grain alcohol, usually the generic is stronger 4. Hold the bottle upside down and spin for about 10 minutes or however long it takes you to get from the liquor store to your house 5.DRINK SLOWLY.... the grape soda does a great job covering the grain so you might end up under the table a little to early. One or two litres of "Torture" will make sure you have a great time. Enjoy!
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