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Ingredients: |
2.0 oz Banana Liqueur
1.0 oz Melon liqueur
250.0 mL Orange juice
Directions: |
Mix together and serve cold, with crushed ice. Looks really good with one of those little umbrella things. |
We hope you found the above information on how to make a Tupe's Massage helpful. |
Red 28 oz. Shaker SH-V28R |
Only $6.95 |
Also known as a "tin" our 28 ounce shakers are now available with a Vinylworks™coating. The 28 ounce shaker is considered the workhorse of bar tools.Bartenders often use them for everything from shaking glassware to scooping ice and popping bottle caps.Also a popular bar flair item. The vinyl gives the shaker a great feel and a great look.We suggest a pair of them and a Shaker-Mat™ . Be prepared for those multiple shot orders.
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