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Will to Live  Recipe

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Will to Live Recipe

Rating: No Votes yet.
Ingredients: 1.0 oz Amaretto
0.33000000000000002 oz Cognac
3.0 tbsp Vanilla Ice Cream
1.0 oz Triple sec
Directions: Mix together with crushed ice in a glass and garnish with mint leaves
We hope you found the above information on how to make a Will to Live helpful.
Flips For Tips 5 Bartending Competition V-FFT5
Only $49.95
This 3 DVD set features both the qualifying rounds and the finals of the fifth running Flips for Tips competition. Held on the second slowest week of the year in Las Vegas the turn-out on a Wednesday Night still required holding the event in the massive dining room of Kahunaville. Eight of the best flair bartenders competed over 6 weeks for cash, prizes, and trophies in front of several hundred fans of flair. This competition took place over 6 weeks with the 3 finalists moving on to the finals which were held December 17th, 2003. Congratulations go out to the following finalists:
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