New Years Drinks

Powerthirst (Unacceptable!) drink recipe

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Powerthirst (Unacceptable!) drink recipe made with Blackberry Liqueur,Peach Schnapps,Vanilla schnapps,. How to make a Powerthirst (Unacceptable!) with all the instructions and ingredients.
Recipe Rating: 5.0 stars based on 1 votes
Ingredients to use:
0.5ozBlackberry Liqueur Blackberry Liqueur
1splashPeach Schnapps Peach Schnapps
1ozVanilla schnapps Vanilla schnapps
also add 2 bottles of Mad Dog or Cisqo fortified wine, it doesn't matter which flavor they taste like Kool Aid and Garbage. Mix in a big cooler thing, i dont really care what happens to you if you drink this. Your behavior will be obnoxious, you will be drunk but wont be able to sleep. You will have GRATUITOUS AMOUNTS OF ENERGY, MENERGY! You will have 400 babies, AND EAT THEM! ALIVE! Burn in hell you filthy mutts. Go back to the dumpster you mother tried to abort you in. I hate you.
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