New Years Drinks

Jagermeister Cocktails and Drink Recipes

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We have 1094 Jagermeister drink recipes and cocktails. Give our Jagermeister drinks a try. These are sorted by the most popular Jagermeister recipes as voted on by our users. Click for more information on Jagermeister including Jagermeister brands.

Jager Float 58 % (of 152 votes)
Fire Engine 59 % (of 16 votes)
Dr. J Shot 58 % (of 11 votes)
Bloody Stool 58 % (of 11 votes)
Shit In A Bucket 58 % (of 11 votes)
Special Breakfast 57 % (of 6 votes)
Liqid Cocaine Fuck 57 % (of 6 votes)
Dx Croch Chop 57 % (of 6 votes)
Jager And Malibu 58 % (of 18 votes)
Iron Curtain 57 % (of 13 votes)
Hitler Taco 57 % (of 6 votes)
Sex With An Aligator 57 % (of 6 votes)
Poor Boy 57 % (of 6 votes)
Mussolini 57 % (of 6 votes)
Dirty Butt Whore 57 % (of 6 votes)
Frontal Lobotomy 57 % (of 6 votes)
Homewrecker 56 % (of 8 votes)
Four Horsemen 56 % (of 8 votes)
Monkey Toes 55 % (of 19 votes)
Jag Bombs 55 % (of 124 votes)
Starry Night 55 % (of 19 votes)
Jag Bomb 54 % (of 135 votes)
Nazi Taco 55 % (of 10 votes)
Barney On Acid 55 % (of 10 votes)
Pierced Buttery Nipple 54 % (of 141 votes)
Billy Bad Ass 53 % (of 171 votes)
Black Hole 53 % (of 129 votes)
Deisel Fuel 54 % (of 25 votes)
Caca Pee Pee 53 % (of 14 votes)
Alaskan Oil Spill 54 % (of 12 votes)
Suicide Bomb 54 % (of 343 votes)
Taste Like Pussy 52 % (of 60 votes)
Crazy Nazi 53 % (of 136 votes)
Stormtrooper 52 % (of 113 votes)
Vegas Blowjob 52 % (of 190 votes)
All-American Kentucky Family Fuck 52 % (of 319 votes)
Jagar Bomb 52 % (of 125 votes)
German Chocolate Shot 51 % (of 34 votes)
Five-Star General 50 % (of 1 votes)
Collegiate Liquid Cocaine 50 % (of 1 votes)
Dirty Black Russian 50 % (of 5 votes)
German Hell 50 % (of 1 votes)
Back-Handed Steven 50 % (of 1 votes)
Wrinkled Foreskin 50 % (of 1 votes)
Red Bull & Jager 50 % (of 100 votes)
Fuck On Cocaine 50 % (of 3 votes)
Sigma Nu Slammer 50 % (of 1 votes)
Slick 50 50 % (of 1 votes)
Smelly Pussy 50 % (of 15 votes)
Hippie Hit 50 % (of 1 votes)
Headbutt 50 % (of 1 votes)
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