New Years Drinks

Grain Alcohol Cocktails and Drink Recipes

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We have 840 Grain Alcohol drink recipes and cocktails. Give our Grain Alcohol drinks a try. These are sorted by the most popular Grain Alcohol recipes as voted on by our users. Click for more information on Grain Alcohol including Grain Alcohol brands.

Ppc 96 % (of 26 votes)
Skylab Fallout Pat O'Briens, New Orleans Recipe 95 % (of 113 votes)
Purple Jesus Tech Style 93 % (of 13 votes)
Vampire Blood 90 % (of 9 votes)
Satan's Vagina 88 % (of 342 votes)
Luke's Hunch Punch 88 % (of 7 votes)
Sit-Down Citrus Punch 88 % (of 7 votes)
Real Romulan Ale 88 % (of 7 votes)
Blue Iguana 86 % (of 6 votes)
Firewater 86 % (of 6 votes)
Maltese Falcon 86 % (of 6 votes)
Shit On Rye 86 % (of 6 votes)
Holy Shit 86 % (of 6 votes)
The Conroy 86 % (of 6 votes)
Spencers Ky Hooch 85 % (of 12 votes)
Tastes Like Candy...Hey, What's In This?! 85 % (of 12 votes)
Mark's Blinder 83 % (of 5 votes)
Forest Fire 83 % (of 5 votes)
Long Island Iced T-Rex 83 % (of 5 votes)
Andy's Bull Balls 83 % (of 5 votes)
Hawaiian Punch In The Balls 82 % (of 10 votes)
Sweet Apple Pie 82 % (of 21 votes)
Quadzilla 80 % (of 4 votes)
Flaming Fuzzy Mother 80 % (of 4 votes)
East Kentucky Hooch 80 % (of 4 votes)
The Panty Dropper 80 % (of 4 votes)
Late Night Tipperfect Panty Dropper 80 % (of 4 votes)
Uncle Bruce's Jungle Juices 80 % (of 4 votes)
Jewish Heath 80 % (of 4 votes)
Bend Over And Take It Like Charlie Pride 80 % (of 4 votes)
Dnsweet Tart 80 % (of 4 votes)
Blue Dinosaurs 80 % (of 4 votes)
Karsk 80 % (of 9 votes)
Mustache Ride 80 % (of 4 votes)
I See Dead People 80 % (of 4 votes)
Hillbilly Kool Aid 80 % (of 4 votes)
B.F.D. 80 % (of 4 votes)
Up Ya'Bum! 80 % (of 4 votes)
Pink Panocha 80 % (of 4 votes)
Killer Antifreeze 80 % (of 4 votes)
Mace 80 % (of 4 votes)
Ferrara Remix 80 % (of 4 votes)
The General Jack D. Ripper 80 % (of 9 votes)
Flaming Dr. Pepper 79 % (of 490 votes)
New Orleans Hand Grenade 79 % (of 1552 votes)
190 Octane 78 % (of 400 votes)
Hunch Punch 76 % (of 448 votes)
Screaming Purple Jesus 75 % (of 19 votes)
Xaibalba 75 % (of 3 votes)
Flaming Mouth Wash 75 % (of 3 votes)
Asskicker #2 75 % (of 3 votes)
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