New Years Drinks

Jack Daniels Cocktails and Drink Recipes

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We have 1347 Jack Daniels drink recipes and cocktails. Give our Jack Daniels drinks a try. These are sorted by the most popular Jack Daniels recipes as voted on by our users. Click for more information on Jack Daniels including Jack Daniels brands.

Irish Hammer 69 % (of 15 votes)
Dr. Jack #2 68 % (of 537 votes)
Vapor Shot 68 % (of 18 votes)
Black Tooth Grin Pantera 67 % (of 226 votes)
Strawberry Jack 67 % (of 5 votes)
Cleveland Steamer 67 % (of 2 votes)
Screen Door Factory 67 % (of 2 votes)
Michael Jordan's Favorite 67 % (of 26 votes)
Berlin Wall 67 % (of 2 votes)
Northeastern Cocktail 67 % (of 2 votes)
The 9/11 66 % (of 210 votes)
Desert Storm 67 % (of 11 votes)
Black Jack Old Fashioned With Charred Lime 67 % (of 2 votes)
Fuck The Juice 67 % (of 2 votes)
Wutang 67 % (of 5 votes)
The Nasty Jack 67 % (of 2 votes)
Jack And Dew 67 % (of 261 votes)
Warp Core Breach 67 % (of 5 votes)
Dr. Daniels 67 % (of 227 votes)
Roscoe 67 % (of 2 votes)
Wild Wild West 67 % (of 2 votes)
Joe Cocker 67 % (of 2 votes)
Flaming Blow Job 67 % (of 2 votes)
The Big Johnson 67 % (of 2 votes)
Dr. Daniel 67 % (of 8 votes)
Rumple Jack 67 % (of 2 votes)
Hardass Cider 67 % (of 11 votes)
Seth's Hairy Balls 67 % (of 8 votes)
The Holocaust 67 % (of 5 votes)
Celtic Seizure 67 % (of 2 votes)
Woah-Dood 67 % (of 17 votes)
Wooden Floor 67 % (of 5 votes)
The Redneck 65 % (of 22 votes)
Three Wise Men Shot 65 % (of 19 votes)
The Four Horsemen 65 % (of 197 votes)
Jake 64 % (of 261 votes)
Apple Jack 65 % (of 253 votes)
Whisky Sour 64 % (of 282 votes)
Snoach Silly Drunk Bitch 64 % (of 13 votes)
Anne's-Whiskey-Vodka-Dr.Pepper-Slammer 64 % (of 13 votes)
Three Amigos 65 % (of 47 votes)
Three Wisemen The Real One 63 % (of 225 votes)
Cam 2 Racing Fuel 62 % (of 7 votes)
Shove It Up Ur Ass 62 % (of 7 votes)
The Real Rocky Mountain Bear Fucker 62 % (of 31 votes)
The Tazmanian Devil 62 % (of 12 votes)
Oh Shit!!!!!!! 62 % (of 12 votes)
Upper Cut 61 % (of 147 votes)
Cream Of Jack 61 % (of 168 votes)
Iced Jack 60 % (of 14 votes)
Patriot Missle 60 % (of 4 votes)
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